Larry David was relieved to be axed from Barack Obama’s controversial 60th birthday guest list
Not just Larry David, but late-night comedians Stephen Colbert, Conan O`Brien and David Letterman, were also axed from the guest list of Obama’s birthday bash amid fears of the coronavirus delta variant.

Barack Obama’s 60th birthday party last weekend raised eyebrows. The lavish birthday party was scaled back significantly due to concerns over large gatherings amid the coronavirus pandemic. A lot of the guests were uninvited and comedian, actor Larry David is happy that he was one of them.
The former president of the United States held a star-studded bash on Martha`s Vineyard in Massachusetts to celebrate another trip around the sun.
Although celebrities such as Don Cheadle, John Legend, Chrissy Teigen, Beyonce and more were in attendance, the large and highly criticized bash was actually scaled back significantly.
In a statement to a news outlet, the 74-year-old, who has a home on the island, explained that he feared he would be asked to perform comedy at the event.
With just three days to prepare jokes for the 44th president of the United States, David found himself completely at a loss for material. “I was pretty glum when I finally called back his assistant,” David explained.
Fortunately for him, the call was to inform that he had been omitted from the list. David explained, “When he told me I was eighty-sixed from the party, I was so relieved I screamed, `Thank you! Thank you!` He must have thought I was insane. Then I hung up the phone, poured myself a drink and finished my crossword puzzle.”
Not just Larry David, but late-night comedians Stephen Colbert, Conan O`Brien and David Letterman, were also axed from the guest list amid fears of the coronavirus delta variant.
The party was still criticised as the many Hollywood celebrities who had little to nothing to do with Obama`s time in office were still allowed to attend, while former administration staffers were told to hang back.
Hannah Hankins, a spokeswoman for the former president, said in a statement that the “outdoor event was planned months ago in accordance with all public health guidelines and with COVID-19 safeguards in place.”
“Due to the new spread of the delta variant over the past week, the President and Mrs Obama have decided to significantly scale back the event to include only family and close friends. President Obama is appreciative of others sending their birthday wishes from afar and looks forward to seeing people soon,” she concluded.